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Daisy's big day

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Iman's big day

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Daisy Insyirah 11 May

She's a toddler . . not a baby anymore.Kakak Iman now dah genap 3 tahun.Nak celebrate grand sgt pun tak boleh la coz ibu still dalam pantang ni..but still aku keluar jugak nak carikan hadiah utk dia.Aku beli Barbie doll.Seronok sgt dia dapat doll tu..well,lumrah la gurl mmg akan suka pada kecantikan.Tak ketinggalan jugak Daisy ni.Apa saja yg cantik smua dia suka.Now dah pandai pilih baju sendiri.Nak pakai baju yg cantik je.Boleh pokai ibu kalau layan Daisy ni.

Kek Hari Jadi Daisy yg ke-3.Fruit cake.Layer choc mosse and vanilla.


Ummi and Mama pun nak possing jugak..layan kan je la Daisy.

Hafiy pun taknak ketinggalan..Eventho xtau pape,still dia nak seronok jugak . . Happy Birthday to Hafiy also la . .Ibu pun taknak terlepas peluang utk berpossing bersama Birthday gurl.Happy Birthday Sayang . . .

Daisy jgn naughty tau..listen Ibu and papa.Nanti tolong Ibu jaga Iman tau.Be a good kakak and the best kakak Iman ever had.I want u to be a good daughter,anak yg solehah dah berguna utk agama,bangsa dan negara.Lepas ni Daisy dah kena g sekolah tau.Jadi anak yg cerdik pandai.

Sekejap saja masa berlalu.Dah 3 tahun Daisy and dah ada adik lak tu.Daisy kena independent,learn how to tolerate and share as sharing is caring.Papa tak dapat nak celebrate together with us coz papa kena keje.Plus now we're at Penang.

Hopefully u enjor ur day and all the gifts that u got.May u always be here next to Ibu,Papa and Iman.We love u so much.As deep as the sea and as high as the sky.

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