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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maisara's farewell

Maisara is leaving us...Got better pay and better future of course.Good Luck Mai.And All the best from us here.We going to miss ur fantastic voice and the transparent type of lady. . .

So today (20/08/09) 2 days before puasa - during lunch time we all buat farewell lunch for Mai.

Venue : San Fransisco steakhouse Subang Jaya.
Time : 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm
1. Nizam
2. Shah

3. Nisrin

4. Jemei
5. Maisara

Our menu :

Nizam,Jemei and Mai
Roasted chicken + macaroni cheese . . yuMMy yuMMy

My menu Perch fillet . .sedap hingga menjilat bibir . . eMMM glup...glup

Fish and Chip . . looks like so crispy mipy . . .slurppppppp

Smua makan dengan lahapnye . . we do really enjoy the food..Should be better than Bayu timur kan Nizam??? ha ha ha . . .

After makan selesai,bab yg takkan ketinggalan mestila berPHOTO..Photo kenangan bersama Maisara.Lepas ni kami tak dengar dah la suara riuh rendah Mai ni.Sunyi sepi la QFP lepas ni. Sessi bertegang urat pun maybe selesai.. ( just kidding Mai ) . . WHatever u still one of the good frenz we ever had.Nice knowing ya walaupun sometimes ada terasa ati . . he he

Mai di apit oleh 2 jejaka.Single mingle lg depa ni..

SMile . . 1 , 2 , 3 . . . .

3 gorgeous women . .

Last memory with Maisara....Next month Mai dah keje tempat baru .Hope our friendship last forever..

Mai dapat gaji jangn lupa blanja kami - minum pun ok la ek . . . Good luck bekerja ditempat baru.Smoga smuanya berjalan dengan tenang n sempurna...AMIN !! ALways keep in touch . . ring us when u think of us..

By the way - SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK.Dengan kedatangan Ramadhan ni moga memberi kita rahmat dan hidayah.Murahkan rezeki kit, tambahkan keimanan dan ketakwaan kita dan sempurnakan perjalanan hidup kita.

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