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Thursday, August 27, 2009

4th week of Pregnancy

I'm pregnant???last 2 days ada keluar tompok²..cam nak period..tunggu punya tunggu tak kuar² darah gak..tu yg check tu....sah..confirm 2 line positive...I'm pregnant...2nd baby.Means Daisy akan dapat adik la ek . . Alhamdulillah syukur...rezeki !! Allah masih sayangkan kami.

Segala puji bagi Allah ,Tuhan yang menciptakan kita dari Air yang hina Sehingga menjadi bayi seterusnya menjadi manuasia. Tetapi apabila dewasa atau matang kenapa kita melawan segala Suruhan Nya .Adakah kita Tidak mengenang Budi ,Allah yang menciptakan dan dengan Rezeki yang kita dapat setiap hari dan menberikan udara utk kita bernafas setiap hari tidakkan kita berfikir atau bersyukur dengan segala anugerahNya.

Refer below for my due date
Based on what you told us, your most fertile window would be from
August 8, 2009 to August 13, 2009

Your baby will be due approximately on
Right now, you're about
4 weeks, 3 days pregnant

Your Pregnancy: Week 4 Is it? Could it be? Yep. At the very end of this week, which also bizarrely marks the end of your first month of pregnancy, you'll miss your period. And the ride of your life will begin.

What You're Thinking:
Instant coffee ... Why the heck hasn't anyone invented an instant pregnancy test?

"Your Body This is when it all begins. Once Mini Me or He implants in your uterus and that placenta starts to grow, your heart starts beating more quickly. You might be putting in an extra 15 beats per minute (even when Taye Diggs isn't onscreen). Until your blood volume catches up to all that extra pumping (which it won't do for a number of weeks), you're likely to feel tired most of the time. Sounds like a good reason to schedule a siesta!

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