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Very fussy type of people.Simple yet complicated..

Daisy's big day

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Iman's big day

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our SON Muhammad Hafiy

On 09th July 2009 2.54 am,my dear sis selamat melahirkan seorang putera di SRIGIM Hospital Penang..Seorang putera yg diberi nama Muhammad Hafiy Bin Muhammad Helzri.He's so cute like me . . ha ha ha.Very the putih like Daisy.Now Daisy got lil' brother to bully.Everybody so happy to 'received' this valuable gift from Allah.

Scroll down for more Pictures . . .

1st day Hafiy ke dunia . . . how do u feel???sejuk ke panas ek?apa la perasaan Hafiy now . . .

aik . . . ' mata dia besar ' . .dah celik besaq la even baru beberapa hari he's alive.Nowadays kid.

eMM...ni yg tak best ni...kenapa u tak minum susu ibu??Ciann ibu u sampai bengkak breast.Susu lembu gak jadi pilihan ek . .what ever la.janji Hafiy sihat and cergas..boleh berlawan ngan Daisy after this .. .can't wait u to grow up.

Bestnyee ngeliat . . terkenang time Daisy.She loves to mengeliat . . maybe all baby does.
The way depa nak luruskan urat saraf . .maybe.
Dear Hafiy - WELCOME.Daisy's can't wait to play with u...Daisy's got a lil' brother . .
Kena buat baby shower ni . . .Ummi any plan???

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