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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leaded Get Together FREESCALE

Last Monday 13/07 department aku buat gathering ' get together 2009' fully sponser by OPS Manager and all section manager.We all bawak body je la datang...bertempat di SPORT PLANET SUNWAY..Main futsal la...aku confirm tukang tengok je..Teringin nak main tu ada tapi eishh . . .nanti la.Kang tunggang terbalik lak gelanggang tu..Biar depa yg terrer la main ek. !!

The best part is . . . we really have fun and enjoy the game . . Best thgs to remember..

Thankx to all the bosses.

Penyampaian survenior from Big Big BOSS...head of Department

Adegan berposing tetap ada. . .and aku tetap akan jadi model utk smua camera yg ada kt situ.

One of the commitee member yg sibuk arrangekan goodies and makanan.Thankx la akak . . makanan sedop !!

Dah penat main lepak la sat ek . . actually yg baju kuning tu tak main pun..Niat nak datang buat cheerleading tapi lupa lak bawak skirt.. yg tengah makan tu entah brapa kali la dia tambah..sedop sgt kot . . mmg sedop pun..

Bis boss dah letih sgt la tu...at least dapat gak score 2 gol kan???Team Zihan la memula kalah,so kena la tgk team lain main..dok situ dendiam ek..

Me and phaik See my close friend.

Me with my boss and my engineer.Diebond team yang datang on that day.Yg lain tengah sibuk bercuti . . .

Gelanggang futsal kat SPORT PLANET SUNWAY.

Can someone arrange for bowling after this???Check out with our big boss . .

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