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Daisy's big day

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Iman's big day

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day school...first day school . . ..

Yesterday was Daisy first day to Little Aulad kindergarten.On trial stage.Nak kena tgk mood daisy camne,al maklumla Daisy ni kan mood dia slalu swing swing plus dah almost 3 months tak go school.Asyik berkepit je ngan Ibu dia.Previous she was in Taska Rasa Sayang Kelana Jaya.Sebab dia reluctant sgt utk go to that taska,dats y we decided to change to new environment and really hope she can cope with new surrounding.

Last Monday registered,she seems so xcited.Maybe because dia nampak playground kt school tu..plus kawan2 yg ramai.She seems so eager...macam tak sabar je nak g school.
Teacher Dayah & Teacher Ana yg akan mengajar di kelas Daisy.Kelas age 3 & 4.Mesti teacher2 kena banyak bersabar layan kerenah budak2.Like Daisy,she still wear diapers.SUsah pulak tu nak bgtau org kalau dia buang air besar.Hopefully u all semua sabar melayan kerenah Daisy.Things i really scared!!

Yesterday sport day @ Little Aulad.Kena pakai pakaian sukan.T-shirt white/oren and tracksuit oren.She look so beautiful and gorgeous.Woke up early in the morning,take bath without making any sound,dress up very xcitedly.Walk inside with a smile.It was so wonderful.Teacher comment that her 1st impression was so impressing and behavior was so good.Something that me n my hubby was so confuse...????

Today on her 2nd day trial stage..Start @ 7.45am till 6.30pm.I wake her up at 7.15am.
She woke up lazily.Undress with sound..Took her bath while crying.Very difficult to brush teeth/shampoo body.Still making a sound while i dress her up.She doesn't want to eat anything.Lay down in front of TV and watch her favorite cartoon Tom & jerry.

Iman pun aku antar ke taska little Aulad and today is his 1st trial day.We don't have any much concern of Iman because he still a baby.Just so concern n curios of Daisy character and behavior.Sampai je kat kindergarten tu Daisy taknak turun,lg kuat dia menangis.Teacher pun datang la jemput kt kereta,still dia taknak turun.Teacher dah start confuse, 'smlm ok je,kenapa arini taknak pulak???' . . I'm not that confuse - expected!!.Teacher pun dukung la dia,pujuk2 dia.. I think she's ok after i left.Lepas hantar Daisy,aku hantar Iman pulak ke taska.Kindergarten n nursery are 2 different house.Iman cam biasa,pagi2 mmg time tido dia.So tak banyak songeh la.The big prob is - whether he can adapt with new surrounding or not.Kakak nursery tu kata kalau dia tak sesuai dia akan menangis the whole day.Wait for the result!! We really hope Little Aulad staff will take care of our daughter and son like their own son.

Lunch time aku call Daisy's tadika.Her teacher said she's ok.Already ate her lunch and drink milk.Will take a nap after this.Then she has to wake up before 4pm and ready for fardu Ain class.Aku lupa nak bekalkan tudung for Fardu Ain class.Sorry teacher.
Iman pun ok..tak menangis..depa kata senang nak jaga.Yup mmg senang nak jaga if dia in a good mood.Iman mmg tak banyak kerenah.easy to handle.Since both of them at their own place,aku amik kesempatan ni la nak kuar lunch ngan BFF aku emma..makan kt IKANO steambot..yummy..yummy..lama tak jumpa emma.Lepas ni aku dah kena back to work..i think it really sound sucks!!

Daisy & Iman the whole day at their place.Pick them up at 5.30pm.Teacher ada bg homework,just to make sure that parents are concern about their kids.Bila dah balik tu sampai tak cukup mulut dia nak bercerita.teacher wat tu la..teacher teach A la..makan mee goreng la...aku pun sampai tak cukup telinga nak dengar.Today dia baru belajar hufur A..A for Apple.Teacher suruh color apple tu..dia pun kaler la dengan cara dia..very colorful and very hard to find this one...hihihih

Bila fikirkan balik,rasa nak menangis pun ada.Dulu aku time age 3 ni mmg tak reti nak pegang pensel pun..tadika pun masa 6 tahun!!We really don't have a choice.Where else u going to stay while we out to work?? Nak hantar dok maktok??Confirm menyusahkan org tua plus kami takde budget nak balik kampung weekly nak tgk Daisy.Nak tgk sebulan sekali???lebih baik takpayah beranak!!Nak amik maid mmg scary..never,never and never.Nursery la pilihan masa kini..just pay them to take care of ur kids.

Daisy & Iman,when u guys grow up,i believe u will understand all this situation.We really sorry we have to let this go on..until some miracle..Maybe dah kaya raya time tu,leh la Ibu benti keje..and kita shopping everyday!!

We loves u so much..Please try to cope with new surroundings.It's for your own goods!

Little Aulad uniform.Not in a good mood.Kena bangun awal kan..

Teacher ada bg homework..focus..focus.Papa tengah pegang hanger tu.Color keluar je garis sure kena ketuk tangan.

Colorful Apple by Daisy.Tak jumpa kt Tesco.

Confirm astronaut ni tak sampai bulan.

Tengah fikir reason not to go to school..
" Ibu,Daisy sakit perut la " . . . la la la

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