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Thursday, March 5, 2009

My profile is private cOZ' my life is NONE of your business . . .

Love HUbby . . ( AMiruL Izwan )

Walking down the street,With empty hands and on bare feet.

Moving so free and wild,It doesnt matter if the air is cool or mild.

I shall face a million billion obstacleAll I need is you as my miracle.

When I tremble and fall,Its only your name that I call.

When the trees swayed so badly,I shall need you so desperately.No matter how far the hurricane separates us, Between us, there shall be hope and trust.

I shall climb a hundred hillsTo have you protecting me against cold chills.

I shall swim a thousand riversTo have you as my savior.

No matter how the road bends,And whenever this world ends,All I want to let you know, is that I LOVE U SO MUCH!

If kisses were water, i will give u sea

If Hugs were leaves , i will give u a tree

If love was forever , i will give u enternity.

If you ask for a fish I’ll bring you the ocean, If you ask for a flower I’ll bring you the garden, If you ask for a cloud I’ll bring you the sky , If you ask for a star I’ll bring you the universe, If you ask for a giggle I give you a , smile, If you ask for a finger I‘ll give you my hand, If you ask for a horse I’ll bring you the herd, If you ask for some sand I’ll bring the beach , If you’re asking for my heart, to late, it’s already yours.

I'm lost in your dreams, during the day, and coz of that ,i can't feel the sun's rays, I'm lost in your dreams, even at night, and coz of that ,i can't see the moon light, I'm lost in your dreams, for months together, and coz of that, i can't feel the changing weather, So dear now i can't leave you coz, Without U my life is "Blue"

The biggest mistake of my life was expressing my feelings towards you, my beloved...Now I am cursed with the emotions of (L)onelyness,(O)verwelmed, (S)adness, and (S)orrow. (LOSS- I loved someone for a long time,& when I comfessed my love; he walked away without a single word.)

Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you,Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion,That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.

Sweet for my sweet . . ( Daisy INsyirah )

My Daughter Is so wonderful.My daughter is a treasure, a blessing from above. She’s laughter, warmth, and special charm, she’s beauty, and she’s love.My daughter brings a special joy that comes from deep inside, as she grows into womanhood, she fills my heart with pride. With every year that passes, she’s more special than before, through every stage, through every age, you love her even more.No words can describe the warm memories, the pride and gratitude too, that come from having a daughter to love, and to cherish.

I was feeling lonely and missing you - but then I looked in my heart and there you were.

I'm smiling because you're my daughter...and laughing because there's nothing you can do about it!

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