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Very fussy type of people.Simple yet complicated..

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Iman's big day

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's a BOY . . . Baby Iman

I'm 5 months pregnancy . . last week scan doc confirmkan it's a BOY..we can see the 'bird' !!! InsyaAllah betoi . .Doc siap guna 3D scan for free.Just to confirm the baby sex. Senang la nak buat preparation after dah tau baby sex.Alhamdulillah la kalau betoi . .dapat la sepasang.

Last 2 weeks kami dah kemas smua barang baby ( re-used balik la ).Mmg letih.Banyak rupenya barang baby yg kami ada.ALmost complete.Cuma perlu beli baju baby je la.Very excited to welcome the new member in the family.As excited as the first one..Sure Kakak Daisy also excited to 'take care' of her brother...just wait n see.

Since my hemoglobin is too low,start from 10weeks i have to take obimin.Some say,bila makan obimin ni nanti anak boleh besar but doc said-it's noncense !!!..Kalau tak makan boleh pitam i.
My sis bg Tuna oil-she said for baby brain.At the same time,i also take fish oil n calsium tablet. This time banyak medicine nak kena amik.Hopefully Baby Iman will grow strong n healty.

Another 4 months to go.tak sabar nak cuti.Tekanan kerja yg menyampah n membosankan.
This month every friday cuti so dat we got 3 days rest day.bestnyeeeee . . . Baby Iman, Can't wait to see u out !! Can play with kakak Daisy.We'll see who bully who. Take care of yaself inside.Don't be naughty.