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Very fussy type of people.Simple yet complicated..

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

6 WEEk of Pregnancy

Penatnye ... very different with previous one.I got morning,afternoon,evening and night sickness.Lepas sahur je muntah . . . even tak makan pape pun kuar jugak..lepas buka puasa pun muntah.Letihnye camni...SOme new experience to learn.

Baby . . ibu letih la...Rasanye ibu dah kurus sikit ni.Masuk je 6 weeks aku dah rasa camni.
Puasa pun tak penuh . .ada 1 time tu sampai rasa nak pitam.Suraula jawapnye tempat aku tido.nak g nurse room malas nak jalan jauh.Surau je la yg paling dekat.

Yg tak bestnye perut dah naik sikit..Time Daisy dulu 5 months baru nampak perut naik.Takotnyeee perut beso . . .nanti scratch mark smua kuar.eeeeeee . . .lama tau nak bg ilang parut tu...scary babe !!

This 2nd time pregnancy is really really different from previous.Letih semacam . . dah la kena bulan posa lak tu.Cian kt Daisy... main ngan pape je la ek.Doa kan ibu ok tau.
Daisy suka sgt dapat adik . . tetiap ari kiss baby. Dah tau dia KAKAK now . . .
so wonderful . .