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Very fussy type of people.Simple yet complicated..

Daisy's big day

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Iman's big day

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

bIRTHday ceLEBRAtion at Genting HIGHLandS

Dah lama tak berkesempatan nak 'menulis' dalam blog ni...My life is so busy like bEESSSSss...rasanye bee pun tak busy cam aku..penat keje.Paling penat melayan si kenit ni..which soon turn to 2yrs old.my Dazzling Daisy 11th May will turn to 2 years old.Not a baby anymore.She's a toodler now.Cepatnya dia membesar kan . . pejam celik pejam celik now dah pandai marah kita balik..what a cute little girl u are.

SInce my birthday and my daughter's day falls on the same months,so kena la celebrate skali.Parents aku pun join skali la..on 3rd May we went to genting - potong kek kat sana.Tu yg tak bestnya celebrate skali coz aku melopong je la..smua adiah pergi kat Daisy.Papa,Maktok,tokpak,Ummi and Mama smua bagi adiah kat Daisy je..ibu takde pun.This is not fair.. tapi utk tidak mengecewakan ibu,ibu tetap 'pau' tokpak utk adiah..dapatla sandle CROCS...he he..hadiah tetap hadiah...after this nak kena 'pau' papa lak...apa lagi ek???Kasut Clarks lak kot. .Tokpak give u 'pooh's sofa'@ TOYSRUS .Maktok give u carters tshirt and skirts.Ummi give u laptop ( study assistant ).Mama give u Skirts. Ibu and Papa gives u lots of HUGS and KISSESS . . . :)

so MY dear baby dah grow up...2yrs Old.Sweet for my sWeet.
Daisy can understand 2 languages both Bahasa and ENglish.Plus before 2yrs,she can start countin g 1 to 10 in both languages.
Bila la papa nak ajar U japanese ni . .. iBu pun nak Blajar gak.

Syioknyeee when u were at Genting...smua org pampered u.
Maktok and tokpak of coz la ikot je apa yg u nak..
Wheater very cold tapi Daisy relax je like nothg happened.
Maybe dah biasa kot coz 2 weeks before u were born,we went to genting.Dah adopt with cold surrounding.Bagus. . Bagus . .

This is Daisy's Maktok n tokpak... the One dat always dengar kata Daisy n will follow what ever Daisy's wants.

Yang ni pulak Daisy's Ummi...bila nak ada Babah pun xtau..

This one Daisy's Mama...already have Papa G and soon will get a baby...means Daisy will have adik soon. . .